

Participating in various types of competitions is extremely beneficial for students of all ages. It is an essential component of a learning culture in which continuous improvement and teamwork are prioritised. The TeenEagle competition team believes that continuous learning and the ability to express oneself fluently should be the focus of every classroom. Many schools are participating in the TeenEagle competition with the goal of getting every student involved in writing and speaking activities, and teachers frequently use our competition to give everyone a chance to express themselves. We intend to instil this philosophy at the heart of every school. Continue reading to learn more about the rules and regulations for a variety of TeenEagle English competitions.

  1. A 45-question quiz will be administered to participants.
  2. The duration of the quiz is 45 minutes.
  3. Quiz questions will come in one of three formats: multiple-choice, true-or-false, and matching.
  4. The questions will be drawn from the resources chosen for your category, which are available on our website.
  5. Participants are not permitted to skip any questions.
  6. Participants will not be able to return to previous questions once they have submitted their answers.
  7. To submit your answer and move on to the next question, click the “Next Question” button.
  8. The exam’s question and answer sequence is randomised.
  9. Each question may be worth a different number of points.
  10. Incorrect answers will not result in a penalty.
  11. The remaining time for the quiz will be shown on the countdown, in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  12. All participants should answer all questions to the best of their abilities without seeking outside assistance.
  13. All programs and/or applications must be closed except for the browser tab with the Knowledge Quiz.
  14. Opening another browser or window before the end of the test is not permitted and will be interpreted as an attempt to contact external assistance.
  15. Any form of external assistance, such as that obtained from the Internet, books, other resources, parents, and so on, is strictly prohibited.
  16. Participants are not permitted to consult electronic or printed dictionaries or other similar resources to determine the meaning of any words or phrases.
  17. TeenEagle reserves the right to place a participant under review and/or disqualify them if external resources are suspected of being used.
  18. If a participant is unable to complete the exam in the time allotted, only the questions completed will be evaluated.
  19. If there are any difficulties with the internet connection, participants can refresh the page and continue from where they left off.
  20. In the event of a tie, the fastest participant wins.

Paper Based Guidelines

In case we cannot have the online Knowledge Quiz, we will have it paper-based. Guidelines for the paper-based Knowledge Quiz remain the same, except that participants will be able to pick the order of questions to be answered independently.

TeenEagle provides free sample exams covering the first 10% of the resources, which you can find below. We also regularly host sample Online Quiz preparation sessions.

Engaging in a speaking competition may induce stress in some students; however, the advantages of public speaking are substantial. Stepping beyond one’s comfort zone and confronting fears serves as preparation for significant and more demanding life challenges.

The Persuasive Speaking category is divided into two parts: Debate and Solo Persuasive speaking. The debate segment is worth 55% of the total speaking score, and solo persuasive speaking accounts for 45%.

Please read below for the rules and guidelines on both sections.

The Debate:

The TeenEagle Debate Society presents the debate challenge, wherein students are given topics, based on their resources, and a coin toss determines which side they will argue, for or against.  We follow Oxford Union Debate Rules but have condensed them to fit our program.

The Overview: 

Debate teaches participants how to defend their ideas, how to listen to their opponents and form logical and concrete arguments, and how to do this while being polite, professional and adhering to rules of engagement.  It’s an essential skill that increases confidence and clarity.

Scoring: This section is worth 55% of the total speaking section score.


  • All participants are paired with an opponent at random, the day before the debate competition.
  • A topic is chosen from our pool the day before the debate, and coin toss determines the side you will argue.
  • Participants then have the opportunity to prepare their defence alone, or with the help of the other Eagles up until the competition.

Debate Breakdown:

  • The debates will take place in classrooms of 18-20 Eagles.
  • The “For” side- the participants arguing in support of the given topic
  • The “Against” side – the participants arguing in opposition of the given topic
  • The For and Against both follow the below regulations:
Section Speaker 1 Speaker 2

Fors – introduce their main ideas around the topic

(60 seconds)

Againsts – introduce their main ideas around the topic

(60 seconds)


Againsts –  argue and refute what the Fors have said.

(60 seconds)

Fors – argue and refute what the Againsts have said.

(60 seconds)

Closing Arguments

The Fors give a closing argument.

(60 seconds)

The Againsts give a closing argument.

(60 seconds)

  • The Fors go first, they are given 1 minute to introduce their main ideas around the topic. The Against side should take notes.
  • The Againsts go second, they are given 1 minute to introduce their main ideas around the topic. For the side should take notes.
    • 1-minute break
  • The Againsts argue what the Fors have said.
  • The Fors argue what the Againsts have said
    • 1-minute break
  • The Fors give a closing argument – 1-minute
  • The Againsts give a closing argument 1-minute
  • Judges take 2 minutes to determine the winner, based on the debate critiea

Topic Selection:

  • Participants are given their topic the day before the debate competition.
  • Their stance on the topic is determined via coin toss.
  • Once a topic is given, participants cannot change it.

Speech Guidelines:

  • Speeches must stay within the assigned topics.
  • Speeches must not exceed the specified time limit for each session.
  • Points will be deducted for speeches under one minute or exceeding the allotted time.

Attire and Presentation:

  • No costumes or props are allowed; participants can wear TeenEagle clothing.
  • Attire rules apply for those not in TeenEagle clothing regarding sleeves and skirt lengths.
  • No icons depicting violence, discrimination, gang affiliation, sexual content, or brand loyalty.
  • Non-religious head coverings are not allowed.

Note-Taking and Internet Access:

  • Notes are permitted, but no internet access is allowed.
  • No discussions among peers or teachers during note-taking breaks

Assessment Criteria:

  • Judges will give time warnings when a participant has 10 seconds left during the debate sections.
  • Participants must not read speeches; notes are allowed, but reading directly results in a negative grade.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Assessment Rubric:

  • The Debate Section rubric is available here.



The Debate Showcase:

The Debate Showcase is our finals event, wherein top scorers meet on stage to present their skills in front of our audience of Eagles.

They will participate in a live team-style debate, which will NOT affect their overall score, but will make them eligible for additional prizes.

The Selection Process:

  • As TeenEagle endeavours to create collaborative and engaging environments, we will choose the top debate scorers from 6 different countries to compete in the showcase.
  • This means that if the debate section’s top 6 scorers are all from 1 country, we will move further down the list to get a varied group of people in the showcase.


  • Teams are put together and given their topics.
  • They have 2 hours to prepare together and organize themselves into sections.
    • One person will deliver each section:
      • Introductory remarks and stance
      • Rebuttal
      • Closing arguments

The Team Debate Process:

  • Teams will stand on the stage together, following the below organisation and time schedule:
Age Level Introductory Team Member Notes Time Rebuttal Team Member Notes Time Closing Argument Team Member
TeenEagle 1 First: 60-90 seconds 1-Minute Break Second: 60 -90 seconds 1-Minute Break Third: 60 -90 seconds
TeenEagle 2 First: 90-120 seconds 1-Minute Break Second: 90-120 seconds 1-Minute Break Third: 90-120 seconds
TeenEagle 3 First: 90-120 seconds 1-Minute Break Second: 90-120 seconds 1-Minute Break Third: 90-120 seconds
  • After the debates have concluded, judges will take 5 minutes to assess and determine a winning team.

The Prizes:

  • Winning teams in the debate showcase will receive a prize for each team member.
  • Prizes may vary and are determined separately for each Global Finals event.

Speech Guidelines:

  • Speeches must stay within the assigned topics.
  • Speeches must not exceed the specified time limit for each session.
  • Points will be deducted for speeches under one minute or exceeding the allotted time.

 Attire and Presentation:

  • No costumes or props are allowed; participants can wear TeenEagle clothing.
  • Attire rules apply for those not in TeenEagle clothing regarding sleeves and skirt lengths.
  • No icons depicting violence, discrimination, gang affiliation, sexual content, or brand loyalty.
  • Non-religious head coverings are not allowed.

Note-Taking and Internet Access:

  • Notes are permitted, but no internet access is allowed.
  • No discussions among peers or teachers during note-taking.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Judges will give time warnings when a participant has 10 seconds left during the speech.
  • Participants must not read speeches; notes are allowed, but reading directly results in a negative grade.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Debate Assessment Rubric:

  • The rubric includes criteria such as respect for the other team, use of information and facts, rebuttal and organisation.
  • The full debate rubric can be found here.

Solo Persuasive Speaking:

The Overview: 

Being able to persuade others to believe what you’re saying is a highly important skill. It requires confidence, knowledge and a delivery that your audience will respond to.  This section will allow Eagles to show their skills, solo.

The persuasive speaking topics are more general, but we encourage Eagles to use their resources to support their arguments.

Scoring: This section is worth 45% of the total speaking section score.

Topic Selection:

  • 30 Persuasive speaking topics for each TeenEagle level will be determined prior to the competition.
  • Participants will randomly choose one of these topics, the day before the persuasive speaking competition.
  • A topic cannot be changed once picked.


  • Participants have the opportunity to prepare their speech alone, or with the help of the other Eagles up until the competition.

Persuasive Speaking Breakdown:

  • Each Eagle has a pre-determined amount of time for their speech, as shown below:
Age Group Speech Time Range
TeenEagle 1 60 seconds- 90 seconds
TeenEagle 2 90 seconds- 120 seconds
TeenEagle 3 120 seconds- 150 seconds

Speech Guidelines:

  • Speeches must stay within the assigned topics.
  • Speeches must not exceed the specified time limit for each session.
  • Points will be deducted for speeches under one minute or exceeding the allotted time.

 Attire and Presentation:

  • No costumes or props are allowed; participants can wear TeenEagle clothing.
  • Attire rules apply for those not in TeenEagle clothing regarding sleeves and skirt lengths.
  • No icons depicting violence, discrimination, gang affiliation, sexual content, or brand loyalty.
  • Non-religious head coverings are not allowed.

Note-Taking and Internet Access:

  • Notes are permitted, but no internet access is allowed.
  • No discussions among peers or teachers during speeches is permitted.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Judges will give time warnings when a participant has 20 seconds left during the speech.
  • Participants must not read speeches; notes are allowed, but reading directly results in a negative grade.
  • Points are awarded based on Task Response, Structure and Organisation, Cohesion, Lexical and Grammatical Accuracy, and Pronunciation.
  • Additionally, points are awarded for use of the resource material as support for their arguments.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Assessment Rubric:

  • The rubric includes criteria such as Task Response, Structure and Organisation, Cohesion, Lexical and Grammatical Accuracy, and Pronunciation.
  • Points are awarded in the range of 0–7 for each criterion, for a total of 35 points.
  • TeenEagle provides detailed exemplars covering the Persuasive Speaking Challenge under the assessment rubric.
  • Ensure compliance with these guidelines and encourage participants to choose their topics wisely from the provided list on our website.
  • The full rubric can be found
  • TeenEagle provides free exemplars covering the Persuasive Speaking Challenge in more detail, which you can find here.

The Solo Persuasive Speaking Showcase:

The Solo Persuasive Speaking Showcase is our finals event, wherein top scorers meet on stage to present their skills in front of our audience of Eagles.

This will NOT affect their overall score but will make them eligible for additional prizes.

The Selection Process:

  • As TeenEagle endeavours to create collaborative and engaging environments, we will choose the top persuasive speaking scorers from 6 different countries to compete in the showcase.
  • This means that if the persuasive section’s top 6 scorers are all from 1 country, we will move further down the list to get a varied group of people in the showcase.


  • Topics are given once the participants have been selected. Each of the 6 presenters will choose a topic at random from the pool.
  • Showcase participants then have two hours to prepare themselves prior to the showcase.

Showcase Persuasive Speaking Breakdown:

  • All 6 participants from the level will take the stage.
  • Each Eagle has a pre-determined amount of time for their speech, as shown below:
Age Group Speech Time Range
TeenEagle 1 60seconds- 90 seconds
TeenEagle 2 90 seconds- 120 seconds
TeenEagle 3 120 seconds- 150 seconds
  • After the speeches have concluded, judges will take 5 minutes to assess and determine a winner for each level.

The Prizes:

  • Winners in the solo persuasive showcase will receive a prize.
  • Prizes may vary and are determined separately for each Global Finals event.

Speech Guidelines:

  • Speeches must stay within the assigned topics.
  • Speeches must not exceed the specified time limit for each session.
  • Points will be deducted for speeches under one minute or exceeding the allotted time.

 Attire and Presentation:

  • No costumes or props are allowed; participants can wear TeenEagle clothing.
  • Attire rules apply for those not in TeenEagle clothing regarding sleeves and skirt lengths.
  • No icons depicting violence, discrimination, gang affiliation, sexual content, or brand loyalty.
  • Non-religious head coverings are not allowed.

Note-Taking and Internet Access:

  • Notes are permitted, but no internet access is allowed.
  • No discussions among peers or teachers during speeches is permitted.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Judges will give time warnings when a participant has 20 seconds left during the speech.
  • Participants must not read speeches; notes are allowed, but reading directly results in a negative grade.
  • Points are awarded based on Task Response, Structure and Organisation, Cohesion, Lexical and Grammatical Accuracy, and Pronunciation.
  • Additionally, points are awarded for use of the resource material as support for their arguments.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Assessment Rubric:

  • The rubric includes criteria such as Task Response, Structure and Organisation, Cohesion, Lexical and Grammatical Accuracy, and Pronunciation.
  • Points are awarded in the range of 0–7 for each criterion, for a total of 35 points.
  • TeenEagle provides detailed exemplars covering the Persuasive Speaking Challenge under the assessment rubric.
  • Ensure compliance with these guidelines and encourage participants to choose their topics wisely from the provided list on our website.
  • The full rubric can be found here.

Effective writing requires organisational tools, lexical resources and the ability to connect evidence or support to your topic.

Collaborative Discussion:

  • Eagles begin the session with a 20-minute group discussion.
  • Participants are divided into groups of 4 or 5 and given topics to discuss.
  • These topics focus writing skills in general, how each different Eagle has learned writing skills in their own schools, and any tactics they think may help them in the challenge.
  • After this discussion, participants are divided back into their seats, and the writing challenge begins.

Please adhere to the following guidelines for the Writing Challenge category:

Preparation Time:

  • Participants may use physical materials during the 15-minute preparation time.
  • Electronic resources are not permitted during this phase.

Topic Selection:

  • Participants will have topics to choose from. All topics are based on the resources, either the book or the film.
  • Students must select one topic from those provided.
  • Once a topic is selected, participants cannot change it.

Writing Time:

  • No external resources are allowed during the 45-minute writing time.
  • Participants can only refer to personal notes made during the preparation period.

Material Usage:

  • All materials, whether physical or electronic, are allowed during the 15-minute preparation time. 
  • No materials, electronic or otherwise, are permitted once the writing challenge begins.

Appropriate Writing:

  • Participants are expected to maintain a high standard of appropriateness, avoiding vulgar, offensive, or sexual content in their writing.


  • Essays and stories must be submitted to chosen examiners at the end of the time limit.


  • Strictly prohibited; participants found plagiarising will be disqualified and receive no points.

Challenge Commitment:

  • Participants cannot abandon the challenge or submit entries before or after the deadline.

Area Restrictions:

  • Leaving the assigned area during the challenge is not permitted.
  • Exceptional circumstances or emergencies can be discussed with staff on an as-needed basis.

Page Limit and Word Count:

  • One (1) page limit for all participants.
  • Word count based on age category:
  • TeenEagle One: 120–150 words
  • TeenEagle Two: 150–200 words
  • TeenEagle Three: 200-250 words
  • Writing tricks (e.g., smaller fonts and margins) to add more words are discouraged.

Clarity and Legibility:

  • Participants should make a concerted effort to write clearly and legibly.

Additional Information 

  • Embrace creativity, enjoy the storytelling process, and make the experience memorable for yourself and others.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Assessment Rubric:

  • Essay Presentation: Follows standard structures and formatting.
  • Structure and Organisation: Includes introduction, main part, and conclusion.
  • Proper Research: Incorporates data from specified resources.
  • Lexical and Grammatical Range: Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary and syntactic structures.
  • Level of Analysis: Provides evidence of serious thought and concern regarding the prompt.

Writing Challenge is assessed on the following criteria:

  • Essay Presentation — the essay follows standard structures and formatting
  • Structure and Organisation — the essay has an introduction, main part, and conclusion
  • Proper Research — the essay incorporates data from the resources specified
  • Lexical and Grammatical Range — the essay uses appropriate and varied vocabulary and syntactic structures
  • Level of Analysis — the essay provides proof of serious thought and concern in regard to the prompt

For more details on how points are awarded for each criterion, please refer to the rubric here.  

TeenEagle provides free exemplars covering the Writing Challenge in more detail, which you can find here.

Please adhere to the following guidelines for the Spelling Bee category:

Competition Structure:

  • The competition consists of multiple-choice questions, true or false, unscramble and fill-in-the-blank rounds
  • It is followed by a verbal Spelling Bee Showcase, which is not part of the overall scoring, but does qualify winners for additional prizes.

Written Form:

  • The spelling bee is conducted in written format.
  • All written rounds are individual and performed silently on the exam paper.
  • Special characters in words (accents, capital letters, etc.) must be used if present.

Word Source:

  • Words and definitions are derived from the TeenEagle Spelling Bee Lists available on the Downloads page.
  • Definitions may be simplified, but all words are from the official list.

Spelling Bee Showcase Rules:


  • As TeenEagle endeavours to create collaborative and engaging environments, we will choose the top Spelling Bee scorers from 6 different countries to compete in the showcase.
  • This means that if the spelling section’s top 6 scorers are all from 1 country, we will move further down the list to get a varied group of people in the showcase.


  • Spellers face judges and pronounce or spell words clearly.
  • Undecipherable sounds result in a misspelt word.
  • The pronouncer provides words, and the speller may request additional information.
  • Judges’ decisions are final, and refusal to start spelling may lead to disqualification.

Respelling and Elimination:

  • A speller can restart spelling, but without changing letters or their sequence.
  • Misspelt spellers remain on stage until the round ends, then leave.
  • If there are no correct spellings in a round, all spellers continue.
  • If one corrects the spelling, a new round begins; otherwise, all continue.

Finals and Winner Determination:

  • In the final competition, elimination continues until two spellers remain.
  • When two spellers are left, they take turns spelling the same word.
  • Correct spelling results in a new word; misspelling passes the word to the other speller.
  • The winner is the first to spell the word, and the final word correctly.

Audience Etiquette:

  • No talking among contestants or with the audience.
  • Disqualification for receiving assistance from the audience.
  • The audience remains seated until a break is announced.

Attire and Presentation:

  • No costumes or props are allowed; participants can wear TeenEagle clothing.
  • Attire rules apply for those not in TeenEagle clothing regarding sleeves and skirt lengths.
  • No icons depicting violence, discrimination, gang affiliation, sexual content, or brand loyalty.
  • Non-religious head coverings are not allowed.

Additional Information:

  • Overall Control: The Judges have complete control, and their decisions are final.
  • TeenEagle provides free sample exams and full Spelling Bee Word Lists.
  • The Spelling Bee Showcase is for entertainment and not graded.
  • Relax and have fun, whether you are a participant or a spectator.
  • Note: Rules and guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of TeenEagle

Please read the following for more information on the Spelling Bee format:

The competition will be a written spelling bee for all competitors. 

  1. All rounds of the spelling bee are completely individual and are able to be done on the exam paper without speaking.
  2. The rounds of the Spelling Bee include multiple-choice questions, true/false, unscramble, and fill in the blank.
  3. The participants’ written words should be correct and complete. If a word contains special characters, they must be used (i.e., accents, capital letters, etc). Such symbols should be used when writing the word.
  4. In all rounds, competitors will be given word definitions. In some cases, competitors will also be given the first and/or last letter of each word.
  5. All words and definitions come from the TeenEagle Spelling Bee Lists, which can be found on our Downloads page. TeenEagle may simplify definitions from the Spelling Bee lists, but will not ask for a word that is not on the list.
  6. In all rounds, competitors will be given word definitions.
  7. Some examples of round forms would be circling the best spelling option, filling in the blanks of specific words, or stating whether a given spelling of a word is correct.

Spelling Bee Showcase Rules

  1. At the start of each individual round, each speller remaining in the spelling bee must spell one word.
  2. Students are encouraged to face the judges when pronouncing and spelling a word and to utter each letter clearly and loudly enough for the judges to understand. The word is considered misspelt if the speller makes undecipherable or nonsense sounds.
  3. After the pronouncer gives a word to the speller, the speller is encouraged to pronounce/say the word before and after spelling it. A speller will not be disqualified if he or she fails to pronounce or say the word before or after spelling it.
  4. The speller may request a definition, sentence, part of speech, alternate pronunciation, or re-pronunciation of a word. Such requests will be granted by the pronouncer until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the contestant. The pronouncer’s pronunciation may not be questioned by the speller. Any speller who refuses to start spelling after being asked to do so may be disqualified by the judges.
  5. The judges enforce the rules and determine whether or not words are correctly spelt. In addition, they make final decisions on appeals. On all issues, their decision is final.
  6. After beginning to spell a word, a speller may stop and begin again, retracing the spelling from the beginning; however, there may be no change in the letters or their sequence from those first pronounced. The word is considered misspelt if letters or their sequences are changed during the respelling process.
  7. If a speller misses a word, they must remain in their seat on the stage until the round is finished. The next speller is given the next word on the pronouncer’s list. The spellers who misspell a word must leave the stage at the end of each round.
  8. If none of the spellers still competing in the Spelling Bee at the start of a round spells a word correctly during the round, all spellers will continue to compete.
  9. If only one of the spellers remaining in the Spelling Bee at the start of a round correctly spells a word during that round, a new round will begin, and the speller will be given the next word on the list to spell. If the speller correctly spells the word, he or she will be declared the champion. Otherwise, all spellers who were in the competition at the start of the previous round will continue to compete. A new round will begin, with all spellers remaining in their original order. Under no circumstances will any contestant be asked to correct another speller’s misspelling.
  10. During the final competition, the same elimination process will be used until only two spellers remain.
  11. The elimination procedure changes when the number of spellers is reduced to two. When a speller misspells a word, the other speller will be given the chance to spell that same word. If the second speller correctly spells that word, the pronouncer will give them their own word. They will be declared the winner if they spell that correctly as well. If, on the other hand, the second speller correctly spells the reassigned word (the word incorrectly spelt by the first speller) but misspells the new word assigned to them, the misspelt new word is given to the first speller. If the first speller correctly spells both the new word and the next word on the list, they are declared the winner. If both spellers misspell the same word, they will both be eliminated from the competition. This pattern will be repeated until a winner is determined.
  12. There will be no talking among the contestants or between the contestants and members of the audience. A contestant will be disqualified if they receive assistance from anyone in the audience. To avoid distracting the contestants, the audience is required to remain seated until a break is announced. Contestants who are caught talking may be disqualified.
  13. The competition is completely under the control of the Judges. Their choice is final.
  14. Dress code: Comfortable and casual, but appropriate.

The most important rule of all, whether you are a participant or a spectator, is to relax and have fun. 🙂

* Not all TeenEagle Global Finals will incorporate a Spelling Bee Showcase. The Showcase is not graded and exists only for entertainment.


 You may also find the following to help you learn more about the TeenEagle Spelling Bee Competition:

  • A sample test: TeenEagle-1

  • Full Spelling Bee Word Lists: Spelling Bee lists

  • Quizlet Spelling Bee Sets: click here to go to our new , where we’ve placed our full word list with many game options!